Elderly bachelor farmer Mike Fogarty, who has land and money despite appearances to the contrary, suddenly announces that he is looking for a wife. Mike’s scheming friend Barney O’Toole decides that his sister Colette would be an ideal candidate. Both Barney and Colette are determined that it will be a very short marriage. Mike’s friend Kate O’Sullivan discovers the scheme and rushes to the rescue. But Mike is a hard man to save from himself.
Mike Fogarty…………An elderly, bachelor farmer not short of a few euros
Kate O’Sullivan………A local, younger widow and Mike’s friend.
Barney O’Toole………A friend of Mike’s, who is a schemer
Colette O’Toole………Barney’s good-time sister
Colm Garrity………….A local farmer, who does not get on with Mike
Damien Bradley……..Colette’s latest married boyfriend
Madge Sweeney……..A humourless, religious local woman