Teacher and part-time farmer, Larry Casey’s love life has been a series of disasters. Then he meets divorcee, Carmel Doherty and invites her to a GAA dance on the following Saturday night.
But Larry suddenly find himself with two dates when his interfering neighbour, Vera Malone gets involved.
Characters: 3M – 5F
Performed by:
Boher Players, Co. Tipperary…………………………………………April 2015 (3 nights)
MEM Players, Co. Westmeath…………………………………………….Nov 2015 (3 nights)
Emly Variety Players, Co. Tipperary………………………………..February 2017 (4 nights)
New Hope Theatre, Co. Limerick……………………………..Nov 2017/January 2018 (3 nights)
Aglish Drama Group, Co. Tipperary…………………………………..January 2018 (6 nights)
The Valley Players, Co. Cork………………………………………February 2018 (4 nights)
Lisacul Players, Co. Roscommon……………………………………….April 2019 (2 nights)
Abbeyfeale Drama Group, Co. Limerick……………………………….February 2020 (8 nights)