
Today, October 12th marks the 44th anniversary of the day back in 1970 when I wrote my first words of fiction – the first few lines of a story featuring my detective ‘Greg Stewart’. I would go on to write stories about the tough private eye for the following six and a half years. filling some 75 copybooks.
To start writing at home was very unusual for me as I certainly didn’t like homework and I didn’t particularly like English. But writing these stories offered a welcome retreat for me as I was very bad at football at school and I felt inferior as a result – especially when I was the last to be picked for a team for a school kick-around, which happened most days.
Over the years the stories improved from the first faltering few lines back on Monday (it fell on a Monday that year), October 12 1970.
Most years I’d write a story with which I was very happy. Here are a few of my favourites:
1972: Escape Into Darkness
1973: Pressure Point
1974: Crash Course In Fear
1975: Murder At Competitive Rates
1976: Craze
1977: School Of Secrets.

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