Paschal and Samantha Investigate: Storylines to exercise the mind

Paschal McHugh was the accident-prone central character in my play ‘The House-Husband’. Over the past few years I have been creating comic storylines for this character and his new wife as a kind of light-hearted teasing of a friend of mine, who had played Paschal in an earlier production of the play. He and his wife are cast as Paschal and Samantha.
However, coming up with the storylines has also been great for me as a writer, because they’ve acted as a sort of keep fit exercise when I’m not actually writing a play. And so I’ve kept on writing them. They’re divided into seasons (like a television series would be) and each season has about 26 or 27 stories. I have six seasons completed so far.
As I say, they’re only storylines and none have been developed – and indeed they probably wouldn’t be able to be developed. But I enjoy doing them and I’d like to post some of them here as and when I have time..

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